Care facilities and services
Are you interested in how good services in the field of dementia look like? Then get inspired by good practice examples!
The Care Hub, Romania
The Care Hub is an online platform which connects care professionals and people who need care, for instance due to dementia, with each other.
Dom ob Savinji, Celje, Slovenia
The care facility "Dom ob Savinji" - which means "Home by the Savinja River" - is offering a variety of services for people with dementia.
wohlBEDACHT Munich, Germany
More about the living opoortunities for people with dementia can be found on the website of wohlBEDACHT.
Centrum Memory, Bratislava, Slowakia
The Centrum Memory in Bratislava is specialised on diagnostics and therapies for people with dementia.
AWO Senior Citizen's Centre Wolfratshausen, Germany
The AWO Senior Citizen Center in Wolfratshausen is a living facility with a focus on people with dementia.
Münchenstift Meals on Wheels Service, Munich, Germany
The Münchenstift GmbH is operating some care facilites in the area of Munich. In addition to that, they have a meals on wheels service which is especially suitable for people with dementia.